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SharePoint – Was ist das denn?

Wofür nutzen wir SharePoint und wo setzen wir ihn vielleicht unbewusst ein? SharePoint dient vor allem zwei Zwecken: zum einen zur Zusammenarbeit mit anderen und zum anderen zur Bereitstellung von Informationen, beispielsweise in einem Intranet.
With the increase in the number of tools used for collaboration and communication, it can become challenging to keep track of who’s in which Team. In the world of remote work and virtual collaboration, making sure to send messages to only those that are relevant can be an afterthought sometimes. For
The phone rings and a customer, colleague, parent, wife or the like is on the other end. Sometimes a phone call lasts 5 minutes and other times maybe 1 hour. It often varies depending on the subject area or social bond among each other. One thing most phone calls have
Digitization is advancing and advancing every day. In the process, companies and people are trying to digitize as much as possible. Because when something is digitized, we come back to the content from many places and it feels like nothing is lost. Many people still have a piece of paper on


Ferdi Lethen-Oellers

Modern Workplace Enthusiast & Expert in the Microsoft 365 environment

My goal is to help people and organizations improve their productivity with Microsoft 365. In doing so, we solve blockades and remove the obstacles together.

Sandra Filser

Senior M365 Consultant

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